All routine appointments will be available as on the day telephone consultations. The GP will then decide if a face to face appointment is necessary. This system enables us to deal with more patients on a daily basis. The reception staff are trained to direct you to the most appropriate Health Care Professional and this may not be a GP.
We understand the problems when telephoning the surgery first thing in the morning as this is our busiest time.
We can now offer appointments 08:00 - 20:00, seven days a week. We still operate from the surgery during our core hours [08:30 - 18:30], but there is also a GP and Nurse Practitioner based at the new Hub at Buckland Hospital who will see patients from 08:00 - 20:00 for any acute [new/urgent] problems. Please use the usual surgery number & an appointment convenient to you will be booked for you, or alternatively you can call into the surgery to book.
Request an Appointment Online: You can request administration help and clinical advice by requesting an appointment with either a GP, Nurse Practitioner or Prescribing Nurse via the following link or banner to request an appointment online. Your request will be triaged and passed on to the correct person to deal with your query.
Practice Nurses
We have four highly qualified nurses and a phlebotomist who are all trained to carry out a wide range of tests and procedures. You can see the nurses by appointment for such services as cervical smears, blood pressure checks, diabetic checks, baby/childhood immunisations and foreign travel vaccinations.
Pharmacy Consultations
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Self-refer for services
You can self-refer to the following services:
Counselling and Bereavement Service
For Bereavement Support:
For Cancer Support:
For Drugs and alcohol:
- Dover Counselling Centre
Telephone: 01304 204123
If you are having a difficult time, talk to someone
Mental Health Services and Support